Sunday, September 1, 2013

New Erection of a 10-sty Academic Block and a 6-sty Training Center at BCA Academy

Technical Manager:
-       Prepare precast panel proposal,
-       Settle technical issues, 
-    Prepare precast shopdrawing
-    Provide technical support to internal and external customers,
-       Manage daily operation of the design department,  
-    Meet the target set by the company,
      -    Fully manage and be responsible for any technical aspects.

The BCA academy new academic block and training center located at 200 Braddell Road was designed with lecture theatres, classrooms, social spaces, workshops and basketball court. 

Precast Staircase 

The staircase ST6 was design as insitu staircase, with 30 riser and a mid-landing separating the two slights. After discussed with main contractor and structural consultant, we proposed make the staircase flight precast, and the mid-landing slab insitu. So we would get two similar precast staircases, with pin-pin support at two ends. The longer span was about 5.2m, with simply support condition, the bottom reinforcement used was T13-100. At the support, T10 loop bar with cottering bar to hold staircase in position and for easy installation.